Christmas Open Day and Walk
CHRISTMAS OPEN DAY & WALK – SUNDAY 2nd DECEMBER 2018 As usual we have booked the Langsett Barn for our winter walk. The barn car park is clearly signposted off the A616 at Langsett, we will be there from around 10.30 am and plan to start the walk around 11am. The walk should take around two and a half hours (although we may choose another route depending on the weather). If you can’t do the walk or just want to pop in for a few minutes please still come, Some of us will be staying at the barn (which allows dogs inside too) to meet you, chat and provide refreshments. You should get the chance to meet some of the dogs currently in our care (this will depend on the health and temperament of the dogs we have in at the time), take your own dogs for a lovely walk and show us just how well they are doing in their new home (any dog is welcome). Following the walk you can enjoy a warm drink and a bite to eat plus there will be our usual tombola/raffle and the opportunity to purchase some of our merchandise (calendars/cards etc). (To ensure we do not sell out of these items before you get the chance to buy, why not order them in advance) Of course there will be a special Santa's box should you wish to bring a gift for those dogs who may not get to enjoy a warm fireside this Christmas. The items we especially need at the moment are Balls, strong dog toys, dog treats (rather than food) and of course the usual washing powder and stamps. You could also use the opportunity to bring along any other items such as bedding, towels, tombola prizes etc.